Sunday, October 20, 2024


Interview with Junhyung Lee, CEO of Itgreen.

Photo : Junhyung Lee, CEO of Itgreen.

To celebrate the launch of Tech Seoul, we started interviewing CEOs of Korean startups. Today, for the seventh time, We met .Junhyung Lee, CEO of Itgreen.

Hello, Mr. Junhyung Lee, thank you for your time. We think this interview with Junhyung Lee, CEO of the pioneering multi-use container service provider Itgreen, will be very interesting and informative for Tech Seoul readers.

Q. Please introduce your company.

Offering a range of reusable container services, Itgreen aims to minimize resource consumption

and promote sustainable practices across various sectors. Notably, their flagship service, "Returnit,"

replaces single-use plastic containers with eco-friendly alternatives for orders placed through

popular delivery apps like Baemin and Yogiyo. Itgreen also supplies reusable containers to B2B

regular lunch deliveries and large-scale facilities such as baseball stadiums, contributing to a

carbon-neutral future and the realization of a sustainable circular economy.

Q. How do you set project goals?

Itgreen mission is to "create a service that makes it easy for many people to participate in

environmental and climate change challenges." I thought that there are times when we feel

burdened by the thought that we have to make great efforts when we practice the environment.

So, when setting the project goal, we set it so that everyone can practice the environment

naturally in their daily lives by solving problems in various places without any burden on solving

environmental problems.

Q. What companies are competitors and why are they doing well?

Itgreen sees companies selling disposable containers as competitors because it provides

services by converting disposable containers into reusable containers. Currently, there are about

2,000 types of disposable containers, so the biggest strength is that they are diverse and

common. There's nothing scarier than familiarity. We are trying to enjoy all kinds of food as

many as possible by standardizing 2,000 kinds of disposable containers into 11 types of reusable


Q. If there have been any issues you've encountered lately, please let us know how you overcame them.

Now we are facing a problem that all startups have in common. The problem is that there are

still many customers who do not know the reusable container service "Returnit" within the

delivery app. To solve this problem, we have expanded the number of service areas that can

deliver reusable containers to 16, and we are continuously recruiting stores that use reusable

containers instead of single-use plastic containers.

Q. Where do you see your company in three years?

The possibilities of Itgreen's business expansion are endless. Because it is not limited to delivery

containers. Currently, various places such as delivery, baseball stadiums, B2B lunch regular delivery,

and festivals provide reusable containers instead of disposable containers. In addition to this,

there are so many food and beverage fields that require reusable containers. The next three years

will aim to exploit market position by aggressively expanding services. To this end, we will be

dedicated to developing research and development systems for eco-friendly products and

establishing a stronger foothold in the industry with the goal of next-stage growth.

Q. In one word, describe yourself?


Q. With half of 2023 already gone, is there anything you personally want to do for the rest of the year?

For the remainder of 2023, I would like to focus on amplifying Itgreen's outreach and

impact. I'm committed to spreading awareness about the importance of sustainable practices

and promoting the use of reusable containers on a wider scale.

Q. Thank you for your time today. We wish Itgreen's endless development. Lastly, please say hello to the readers of Tech Seoul.

Hello to all Tech Seoul readers! Your interest and support are instrumental in Itgreen's jou

rney towards environmental sustainability. Let's together make a difference and push for a gr

eener, cleaner future. Thank you for your continued support and engagement!

Thank you for your time today. We wish the endless development of Itgreen.
